MR. WEBB: Good morning, Mama.
MRS. WEBB: ( ) did it go, Charles?
MR. WEBB: Oh, fine, I ( ), I told'm a few things.—Everything all ( ) here?
MRS. WEBB: Yes—can't think of anything that's ( ), special. It's been
( ) cold. Howie Newsome says it's ten ( ) over to his barn.
MR. WEBB: Yes, well, it's colder ( ) that at Hamilton College. Students' ears are ( ) off. It ain't Christian.—Paper have any ( ) in it?
MRS. WEBB: None that I ( ). Oh, coffee's ( ) if you want it. Charles! Don't forget, it's Emily's birthday. Did you ( ) her something?
MR. WEBB: Yes, I've got ( ) right here. Where's my girl? Where's my
( ) girl?
MRS. WEBB: Don't ( ) her now, Charles. She's ( ) enough as it is. You can see her at ( ). Children, hurry.
EMILY: I can’t ( ) it. They're so young and beautiful. Why did they ever have to
( ) old? Mama, I'm here. I'm ( ) up. I love you all, everything.—I can't look at everything ( ) enough.