MRS. SOAMES: Who is it, Julia?
MRS. GIBBS: My daughter-in-( ), Emily, Emily Webb.
MRS. SOAMES: Well, I declare! The road up here ( ) have been awfully muddy. What did she ( ) of, Julia?
MRS. GIBBS: Childbirth.
MRS. SOAMES: Childbirth. I'd ( ) all about that. My, wasn't ( ) awful—and wonderful.
SIMON STIMSON: Wonderful, ( ) it?
MRS. GIBBS: Simon! Now, ( )!
MRS. SOAMES: I remember Emily's ( ). Wasn't it a ( ) wedding! And I remember her ( ) the class poem at Graduation Exercises, Emily was one of the brightest girls ever ( ) High School. I've heard Principal Wilkins say so time ( ) time. I called on them at their new ( ), right before I
( ). Perfectly beautiful farm.
A WOMAN FROM AMONG THE DEAD: It’s on the same road we lived on.
A MAN AMONG THE DEAD: Yepp, right ( ) farm.